Friday, June 10, 2005

IBM fights back after losing chip customer

New York's IBM is moving quickly to ensure strong sales of its Power processor in the wake of long-time customer Apple Computer's switch to Intel chips.
The California company's decision to switch from IBM to Intel chips was a blow to Big Blue, but the venerable computer giant responded with new specifications and software to make it easier to build computers using the forthcoming Power-based Cell processor that IBM, Toshiba and Sony developed.
IBM also announced it has new customers in medical imaging and in defense, said Nigel Beck, chairman of the consortium.
The company also went on the public relations offensive, arguing in a new section of its Web site that most growth in the processor market is taking place with servers, game consoles and mobile devices -- markets where Power is used -- not PCs.
Apple has been an IBM chip customer for more than 10 years.(UPI)

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